In this sequel to Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange, each of the characters is struggling to discover how to live with their roles. Keenan (the Summer King) and Donia (the Winter Queen) are in love, but being together is hurting both of their courts, especially since Keenan desperately wants Aislinn by his side so that they can rebuild after the former Winter Queen's reign. Meanwhile, Aislinn is trying to juggle her life a s a "normal" teenager with her new responsibilities as a queen of Faery. Perhaps the most complicated of all, Seth cannot reconcile that his best friend is king of the Dark Court and the girl he loves has become immortal - he knows that someday he'll grow old and die while she'll continue to rule by Keenan's side. The struggle causes all of them to make difficult choices to further their own aims - the question is whether or not they'll all be able to live with the consequences.
This sequel definitely keeps up the energy of the previous two books. It was a look into the character's lives that gave another piece of the puzzle, although it definitely left me wanting more (I'm hoping another sequel is in the works). The characters and their situations are complex, but the story was engaging and definitely shows the "human" side of Faery. These books do need to be read in order, but I would recommend this series to older teens and fantasy fans who prefer the slightly darker stories and the 'real life' fairy stories.
- If this book sounds interesting, consider these: Fablehaven, Black Pearls, or Howl's Moving Castle