Saturday, February 23, 2008

Spirit Fox by Mickey Zucker Reichert and Jennifer Wingert

Reminiscent of medieval fiefs, the matriarchal fort communities of the Marchlands have long fought in a battle dictated by their gods. But when the gods make peace amongst themselves, the people embrace the 'Joyous Reunion' and make it illegal to learn fighting or warcraft of any kind. Unfortunately, years of peace have made them an easy target for an invading foreign army intent on wiping out the magic that many people wield as healers and soothsayers as well as those who have been spirit-linked to animals – a magical connection which the foreigners call an Abomination but which the Marchlanders view as a gift from their gods. One young girl, Kiarda, suffers a particularly difficult fate because her spirit link has become corrupted, causing her to turn into a fox. She must learn how to deal with her personal healing and find ways to save her people before their way of life is destroyed.

I really enjoy this book - the plot is relatively unusual, but definitely interesting. The characters are well developed (although occasionally a little too predictable) and the characterization of the invaders in particular added a unique facet to the story. The ending is a little too neat to be entirely 'realistic,' but it does tie up all the loose ends satisfyingly. I'd definitely recommend this book to fantasy fans.

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