In this sequel to The Summoning, Chloe finds herself locked up by the Edison Group with several others of her housemates from Lyle House (a group home for "troubled" teens). Chloe (a necromancer who can summon ghosts) is finding out new things about herself and the Group's experiments every day, but unfortunately, she doesn't have many options. When she and Tori (a witch) manage to escape and meet up with some other friends (Simon, a sorcerer, and Derek, a werewolf), they realized that their adventures - and problems - have just begun.
I actually enjoyed this book a lot more than the first one. Once the story picked up, it was much more engaging and there was more character development than the first book really addressed. Honestly, I would suggest skipping The Summoning (you only miss a few minor details) or making sure that you have both of them so that you can go straight on to the second. I would recommend this series to fantasy fans who enjoy books that take place in the real world and are less about "magic" and more about the supernatural elements.
- If this book sounds interesting, consider these: Wicked Lovely, Swoon, Gifted: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, or Dragonhaven
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