Friday, March 08, 2013

Unfamiliar Magic by R. C. Alexander

Desdemona (Desi) and her mother, Callida, move a lot; they are witches, constantly on the run from discovery though Desi isn't sure that's the whole story. Desi is frustrated because her mother won't teach her any real magic or let her use her powers. When Callida has to leave unexpectedly, she turns their feline Familiar into a human girl to watch out for Desi. No one is happy with this arrangement. But while Callida is away, "Cat" learns about being human and Desi learns more about what it means to be a witch - and to grow up.

This was a really cute book that made me laugh, particularly the complications of "Cat," who looks human but still acts like a cat. Parts of the plot were fairly predictable, but it was a quick read that was fairly light and still had some good characterization and amusing scenarios. I would recommend this to fantasy fans of all ages who are looking for something a little lighter, particularly those who enjoy stories about using magic set in the real world.

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